I’ve been silent too long.

September 20, 2012

Well, faithful readers… I’m back.

It’s been too long.  There is too much bullshit going on that needs to be addressed.  I’ve been remiss in doing my part, as Hitch put it, to destroy the enemies of civilization.

Stay tuned for more vitriol, more reason — and, I hope, more pursuit of truth, wherever that path may lead me.

There has been a fierce debate in my state of Maine lately, about – what else? – gay marriage.  Our Guvna recently signed into law the equality in marriage that our gay neighbors deserve, and then the bible-thumpers got enough sheep to sign their little petitions to present the following referendum question on next month’s ballot:

Do you want to reject the new law that lets same-sex couples marry and allows individuals and religious groups to refuse to perform these marriages?

The “yes on 1” people have turned this into a scare-tactic fest, with warnings of “teaching homosexuality in the schools” if the law stands.  What the fuck are these people smoking?

If you’re a regular to this blog, then you already know how I feel about gay marriage.   But I’ve been thinking about these Yes on 1 wackos quite a lot lately, as they infiltrate my living room with the slime oozing out from my TV set.

Let me get this straight, good Christians – you believe that every human being has a soul and, depending on how one conducts their life, the soul will leave one’s physical body and go to heaven or to hell.  One of the motivations you have as good Christians in this gay marriage debate is to save these poor, sinful homos from themselves and try to help them see the error of their despicable ways.  Man shall not lie down with man, blah blah blah.

Each of us is born as either male or female (or sometimes a little of both).   If I understand the Christian way of thinking (Christian thinking, now there’s an oxymoron for you) then the soul of each person is also either male or female.  (Must be so – why else would these religious wackos have their knickers in such a twist?)  So, good Christians, riddle me this – what about those people who have a sex change operation?  What about a woman who lives her life as a lesbian, then has a sex change operation to become a man and then marries a woman?  I personally know one such person for whom this has been life’s lot.   Did this person change the gender of their soul?  Could one argue that this woman saw the sinfulness of her ways living as a lesbian and decided to become a heterosexual man?  Is this person going to heaven or hell when he/she dies?  And will the soul of this person be as it was from birth, or at the time of death?   If the physical and the spiritual are separate, then fornication and other such activities of human genitalia are of no importance, or they shouldn’t be.

It’s ridiculous, ain’t it?  Ah yes, just another of the myriad ways in which we can all see how silly and ignorant and backwards it is that we have allowed government to be more important than love.  So let’s keep Big Brother and his bible out of the bedroom already, alright?

Nobel Shnobel.

October 12, 2009

Everyone’s asking, “Does Obama deserve the Nobel?” to which I say, “Who gives a shit?”

Deserve?  How should I know?  The Nobel award is bestowed upon those who show potential for creating change towards a more peaceful world.  Oh yeah, you mean people like Yasser Arafat?  Give me a fucking break.

The Nobel is like the Grammy Awards.  It’s not really based on merit – it’s a fucking popularity contest.

If you really want to know, I think Obama shouldn’t have gotten it.  In fact, I think it would have been funny if he had refused it and cleared his golden throat and said, “Listen.. no offense, fellas, but I think I’ve got enough going on here.  Just let me do my fucking job, as difficult as that already is.”

I mean, come on, enough with the Obama savior worship already!  The Nobel is just another huge weight to put on his shoulders.  With everything else on his plate, does he need the title of “Nobel Laureate” to live up to as well?

No, Joe. YOU lie!

September 10, 2009

So, everyone is screaming about how Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) was rude and disrespectful and blah blah blah during Obama’s speech on Wednesday night.

OK, agreed.  Shouting “You lie!” at the president during a joint session with Congress, televised live to the whole planet, takes some nut.

But isn’t it within this guy’s right to express himself?

Personally, yes, I think the guy is a rude crude bastard.  I disagree with his politics and he’s got some nerve.  But why aren’t any of the bleeding hearts defending this guy’s right to express himself?  What about the Repugs who sat there thumbing through their Blackberries and waving bits of legislation in the air?  Sure it sucks, and it’s a bit childish and downright thuggish, but don’t they have the right to express themselves in this way?

Do I think their behavior helps in any way?  Towards Obama’s larger goal of finding common ground,  I should think not.  But, if – and that’s a big IF – these guys are properly representing their respective constituencies, then fine.  Say whatever the hell you want.  Ain’t that why we sent these bastards to Washington in the first place?  To speak for us?  If Rep. Wilson is merely expressing his district’s voice, then by all means, get the guy a friggin’ bullhorn.

And the apology?  This is the worst of it.  All this “saving face” bullshit.  He extends “sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility”.  Jesus, what a load of shit if I ever heard it.   No he doesn’t!  Are we really to believe this?  So insincere.  Now who’s lying?  I am actually more offended by the apology than by the outburst.  Yes, the outburst was shocking.  But isn’t a little honesty what we really need?  I really don’t mind the name-calling and the shouting and the heckling – hell, it makes things  a little more exciting and interesting if you ask me.  It breaks up the same old same old.  It gave us all something to talk about, didn’t it?

Anyone who is screaming about how a national health care system would lead to communist/socialist rule and is sending their kids to public school can go fuck themselves.

Anyone who complains that a national health care system would mean too much government interference in people’s lives and yet is opposed to legalizing gay marriage can go fuck themselves.

Anyone who believes that the HMOs and the big money health insurance companies are doing a better job of managing our health care than the government ever could can go fuck themselves.

Anyone who is an elected member of Congress, Senate, any appointed member of the Cabinet or anyone serving in any branch of the military – all of whom enjoy free health care on our dime – who is opposed to national health care can go fuck themselves.

Anyone who thinks that health care is a privilege, and not a basic human right, can go fuck themselves.

Oh, and this woman and anyone who agrees with her can definitely go fuck themselves.