Bah hum-turkey.

November 26, 2009

What a bullshit holiday. Yeah, let’s all celebrate the fact that a bunch of Brits came over on a boat, sweet-talked the Native people who were already here, had these Natives share some food and agricultural secrets with them, and in return butchered their men, raped their women, enslaved their children, took their land and infected them with smallpox and syphilis. Yeah, happy fucking turkey day.

And while we’re at it, let’s see if we can manage to kill anyone else this Black Friday.

Well, he’s done itDonald Crabtree has reopened his Grand View Coffee Shop in Vassalboro, Maine, much to the delight of coffee-, freedom- and booby-lovers everywhere.  Granted, his new digs are an office trailer… but who cares? The coffee is flowing, the donuts are glazed, and the women are topless.  Every straight man’s dream, right?

I actually heard a wrinkled, humorless old woman on Wednesday night’s local news say that she thinks Don and his shirtless staff should go “someplace else” like New York or Boston.   Ah, fuck her.  Check out the broadcast here:

While the arsonist who burned down the original shop remains at large (prudish bastard!), it’s heartening to know that Mr. Crabtree is bound and determined to keep plowing ahead.  I say good for him, and good for coffee-, freedom- and booby-lovers everywhere.

So, we had a chance in the state of Maine to live up to our Latin motto: “Dirigo”, meaning “I direct”.

Clearly not a mandate, but a victory for homophobia nonetheless, 53 percent of Maine’s voters repealed the same-sex marriage on Tuesday.  The shame I feel for my home state is almost more than I can express.

We had the chance to show the rest of the nation that it doesn’t matter what consenting adults choose to do with their genitals and how that choice informs who they’d like to marry and share a house and a car and mortgage and a checkbook and a bathroom and a life with.  We had the chance to stand up and say, “Everyone deserves equal protection under the law in regards to marriage.”  We had the chance to stand up to the bible-thumpers and the voyeurs and the peeping toms and the hateful bigots and the scaredy-cats and say, “Enough is enough!”

We had the chance, but did we blow it?  This time, maybe.

But this fight, like any other, will take time.  It will take time for people to accept the idea that not everyone makes love in the same manner.  It will take time for people to warm up to the idea of allowing men to marry men and women to marry women.  This may be the end of this particular campaign, but this is certainly not the end of the story.  Like any other civil rights fight, this one will be largely uphill, and will have to be won one conversation, one heart, one mind at a time.

Just listen to this guy.  He’s got it right: